Zegin DOO is a direct and exclusive importer of medicines, food supplements and cosmetic products from renowned world brands.
The company Zegin is one of the largest and most successful in the Republic of North Macedonia, with the best infrastructure and the widest distribution network.
In its three-decade existence (since 1989), Zegin has become the leader of the Macedonian market and cooperates with top world brands that are quality professionals, because that is what is of crucial importance to Zegin.
Today, Zegin counts over 175 pharmacies and offers care, dedication, help and quality to its patients every day.
We are part of the company’s growth, we proactively act in the development and we use the constant changes as an opportunity to introduce innovations for the continuous growth and development of our company.
Enthusiasm and desire always lead us to be the best in what we do. Respect and integrity are our values with which we achieve the best results through dedication and proactivity.
We uphold the highest ethical standards and integrity in all aspects of our work, fostering trust and credibility among patients and partners.
Zegin Youth represents a completely different and unique system for hiring candidates, a new way to gain experience and knowledge, and improve the skills of candidates with or without work experience.
The uniqueness of the Zegin Youth platform is characterized by learning and introduction to work, upgrading skills through a variety of trainings and exercises, fun learning of the work material through a fun platform called gamification, as well as additional rewarding of those with the best results.
All our job candidates get an equal chance and opportunity to be part of the pharmaceutical industry, we give them the opportunity to better understand the pharmaceutical market and familiarize themselves with our work standards. Our main focus is the employees, who carry the most rewarding role in the community – to responsibly influence the improvement of the health of all consumers.
Humanity as a branch that has been characteristic of Zegin since its very beginnings, continues to grow and develop.
The Dr. Verica Mehandziska Foundation continues with the humanitarian mission of helping where it is most needed, following the steps, vision, kindness and humanity that Dr. Verica Mehandziska herself possesses.
Го прошируваме нашиот тим: АНАЛИТИЧАР НА ЦЕНИ НА ПАЗАР.🔍
Потребни квалификации:
👉ВСС, VII степен на Економски Факултет - Е-бизнис претставува предност;
👉1-2 години искуство во областа, анализа на продажба и администрација на продажба;
👉Одлично познавање на англиски јазик (задолжително);
👉Одлично познавање на Windows и MS Office пакетот;
👉Возачка дозвола Б категорија.
Охрабрете се и дозволете си ново искуство.
Отворете на линкот 🔗 и дознајте повеќе: zegin.fledgehr.com/zegin/jobs/2711
Се вели дека крштевањето значи и духовно раѓање, односно почеток на човековото живеење во верата.
Зегин им го честита еден од најголемите христијански празници на сите православни верници, и Ви посакуваме здравје, среќа, мир и спокојство.
За многу години празникот Водици!
Бог се јави!
Вработуваме „Консултанти за продажба на козметика" во аптеките на Зегин во Скопје.
✔️Пожелно искуство промоција (вештини за продажба, комуникација и презентација);
✔️Возачка дозвола Б категорија.
Повеќе детали дознајте на нашето стори или пронајдете го линкот во highlights. Ги очекуваме вашите апликации.
Заедно до сјајна цел. ✨
Почитувани наши кандидати, Зегин вработува „Одговорно лице за регистрација на додатоци на исхрана". 👩🏻💻👨🏻💻
Отворете го линкот, дознајте повеќе и аплицирајте во само неколку чекори 🔗: zegin.fledgehr.com/Zegin/jobs/2704?apply=yes
Ве очекуваме!✨
Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Saturday, 24-Aug-24 05:14:04 PDT. The current time is Tuesday, 21-Jan-25 21:13:20 PST.
Thanks to persistence, teamwork, achieved results, sincere collaborations and the mission as our main goal, Zegin is a company that is growing and expanding every day.
Today Zegin has more than 175 pharmacies all over the country, with over 1300 employees.