Zegin opened the new Training Center


Zegin company, opened his Training Center for training employees in order to improve the performance of employees, increase productivity, but also for easier and faster integration of new employees.

The training center provides a structured environment where employees can continuously develop their skills and keep abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the industry. This not only improves individual performance, but also keeps the company competitive.

Offering professional development opportunities shows employees that the company values ​​their growth. Employees who feel supported in their career development are more likely to remain loyal to the company.

With the training center, we enable a standardized onboarding process, ensuring that all new hires are properly introduced to the company’s culture, values ​​and specific job requirements.
Regular training and development helps employees perform their roles more effectively.

Employees become more competent, efficient and confident in their roles, which directly affects company performance and customer satisfaction.

Well-trained employees work more efficiently and make fewer mistakes. Continuous training encourages employees to think creatively and propose new ideas. This environment encourages innovation that can lead to new products, services or process improvements.

We look forward to the new colleagues who will participate in improving the quality of life of all our customers, and we also thank all the other employees who do this every day.