What does SMART Pharmacist mean to me?

SMART Pharmacist is a project with a multidisciplinary approach that, through continuous education of pharmacists and doctors, highlights and intensifies pharmaceutical care for patients. The project is of great importance to me, because it is the bearer of major reforms in the setting of our health system.

I, as a pharmacist who gives full attention and health support to patients, devoted myself to the whole project with great enthusiasm, which brought me to the position of SMART Coordinator for Zegin.

As a Coordinator, it is my pleasure and honor to work with a huge number of pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians who show interest and desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, thereby raising our profession to a much higher level.

By implementing the project tasks from the educations that are part of the Smart Pharmacist project, we are paving the way for successfully implemented pharmaceutical care by the entire professional team in the pharmacies. In this way, the satisfaction and success of treatment among patients increases, which improves their health condition and quality of life.

The goal of the project is that in the future patients will look for their SMART PHARMACIST, in their parent SMART PHARMACY.